About Mermaid Sisters



How it started

At the beginning of 2017, the Dutch sisters Tara and Isa saw a Mermaid Tail on YouTube for the first time and decided that they also wanted to swim like a mermaid. After a long search, they found the perfect tail on a Chinese website. Mom and Dad were brought in and 5 minutes later the order was placed.

And then the waiting started… After 5 weeks it was finally time and the postman was at the door with a package from China. Enthusiastically the package was unpacked and the mermaid tails appeared. The fun was short-lived when it turned out that one of the tails was not the right size, now what?

After a few days there was a response by email from China. We were able to exchange the tail for the right size without any problems, but we had to send the wrong tail back to China first… This was not going to be it, not only were the shipping costs for returning to China for our account, the girls would also have to wait another week or 5 for hopefully the right tail.

The solution was quickly found, the wrong size was put on the marketplace and a new tail was ordered via a Dutch webshop, which arrived a few days later. After a few weeks of intensive use, both tails already showed problems.

The fabric of the cheaper Chinese tail was so thin that tears appeared in several places in the fabric. But the Dutch tail also started to wear on the tips of the tail because they occasionally touched the bottom of the pool. Loose plastic stickers were supplied with this tail that you could put over the tips as protection, but these already came loose after day 1.

What are you doing then? After consultation with mom and dad, the sisters decided that we had to supply tails ourselves, our own webshop with tails that are good. They had already come up with the name, Mermaid Sisters!

The months that followed were testing, testing and more testing. We received tails from different manufacturers, each of which was checked for quality. Finally, the right manufacturer was found. A sturdy but supple fabric including extra protection sewn in on the tips of the mermaid tail. Just the way the Mermaid Sisters want it!

The preparation was over, the great Mermaid Sisters adventure had begun!


Mermaid Sisters AirTrack

At the beginning of 2020 there are already more than 10,000 kids swimming with a Mermaid Sisters tail, super cool!

But then Corona comes and the pools remain closed… It was immediately decided to look for another way to keep moving. In several videos on TikTok, the Mermaid Sisters saw the AirTrack pass by.

A nice alternative for the trampoline that they often sit on, but 1 that can also be used indoors. Very handy in Holland where it’s raining a lot 🙂 Immediately a search was started for the right AirTrack. Another big challenge!

Different Airtracks were tested and what a difference in quality and price! You quickly paid 350,- for a good 3 meters of Airtrack. While another 3 meter only had to cost 199, – but it was already leaking after 1 use. Why not just get a good Airtrack for a decent price? It was soon decided to do it ourselves.

Finally, an experienced AirTrack manufacturer was found who can affordably produce the AirTracks for us. With the quality you are used to from Mermaid Sisters, because we have a reputation to uphold! So a perfect combination. From now on you can contact us for Mermaid Tails and AirTracks!

It is now the end of 2022 and our MMS AirTrack has grown into one of the most popular Airtracks in Europe and we are of course very proud of that! Currently we are opening a Mermaid Sisters in Portugal to make sure more kids have more fun with the Mermaid tails and Airtracks of Mermaid Sisters.

Splendid greetings,

Mermaid Sisters

Mermaid Sisters met zeemeermin staart op de Airtrack
Mermaid Sisters